All Classes and Interfaces

Fixes gravity block duping.
Combat checks settings.
Checks item picked that come in players inventory, whether they have disallowed enchantments.
Main part of the config.
Movement checks settings.
Outgoing packet settings.
Additional methods for player data tracking / logging.
Handles player trying to break the block while having inventory open.
Checks iItemStacks.
Additional methods for checking ItemStack's legality.
Prevents a headless piston from breaking blocks on block updates.
Checks if the inserted stack is illegal.
Accessor for the movement packet.
Injections to fix Creative in the case of a change in game mode.
Sets the status of the GUI to open.
Checks whether player's connection is open before applying damage.
Additional methods and fields for PlayerEntities.
Removes health, absorption and stack NBT from various entities.
Checks for PortalHack