Class GolfConfig.Packet
- Enclosing class:
- GolfConfig
Outgoing packet settings.
Field Summary
FieldsModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionfinal String
final String
Entities that must have health sent to render correctly.boolean
Whether to check if player is using Portals hack.boolean
Whether to cancel out sending too big packets.boolean
Whether to remove original coordinates for the sound, e.g.boolean
Whether to remove info about ground items.boolean
Removes entity equipment tags from packets.boolean
Removes entity health data from packets sent to client.boolean
Whether to remove the teleport data from packets when entities move out of view distance. -
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Field Details
public boolean removeTeleportDataWhether to remove the teleport data from packets when entities move out of view distance. Status: working -
public boolean removeHealthTagsRemoves entity health data from packets sent to client.Status: working.
@SerializedName("// Allows health tags for certain entities.") public final String _comment_allowedHealthTags_1- See Also:
@SerializedName("// This maps entity ID to percentage as decimal.") public final String _comment_allowedHealthTags_2- See Also:
public it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2FloatOpenHashMap<net.minecraft.entity.EntityType<?>> allowedHealthTagsEntities that must have health sent to render correctly.K -> Entities to allow health of. V -> Increments by percentage of health to allow.
Implied by default is 1F, or alive and dead.
public boolean removeEquipmentTagsRemoves entity equipment tags from packets. Players will still see if item is enchanted, but won't get the durability or stack size information.Status: working.
public boolean checkPortalHackWhether to check if player is using Portals hack. -
public boolean patchSoundExploitsWhether to remove original coordinates for the sound, e.g. when summoning a wither / when lightning bolt strikes. -
public boolean removeDroppedItemInfoWhether to remove info about ground items. Can prevent chunk banning with items that are lying on ground. -
public boolean patchItemKickExploitWhether to cancel out sending too big packets. Patches "book-banning" and friends.
Constructor Details
public Packet()