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Configuring Taterzens

Changing configuration

Configuration file includes some properties for newly created Taterzens. Find all the settings below.

Changing language

The default provided language file is en_us. All available languages can also be found on GitHub.

All languages
  • en_us

If you are already running Minecraft, you can use a command to change language. Supported languages will show up in suggestions.

/taterzens config edit language <language>

Otherwise, open up the config file and change the following line

-  "language": "en_us"
+  "language": "custom_language"


Missing a language? Feel free to translate Taterzens!


Taterzens also supports per-player translations using Server Translations Mod.

In-game editing

Taterzens also supports editing config in-game. See below video for example.

Latest config

This represents the latest config file, generated automatically. Look at the _comment fields to get better explanation of the option.

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