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Changing skins

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Default (built-in) skin swapping

  • By player name.

Taterzens mod supports setting custom skins to NPCs if their type is set to PLAYER. All skins are cached after being set, meaning that they will stay the same even if player that skin was fetched from changes their skin. You can set any skin from any minecraft player using

/npc edit skin <minecraft player name>

  • From mineskin.
    1. Visit site
    2. Upload the skin you want for taterzen / use a player name.
    3. Click on generate & copy URL (or scroll down, then choose Taterzens and copy the command) Mineskin
    4. Enter the command
      /npc edit skin <your mineskin URL>
      /npc edit skin

Skin layers

To set custom skin layers to Taterzen, use

/npc edit skin
It will copy your skin settings to Taterzen.

Custom skins

This is similar to mineskin section.

To use the skins to their fullest potential, you will need to install FabricTailor mod. After installing it, select the desired NPC you wish to change skin for.

When having a Taterzen selected, simply run FabricTailor's /skin command

/skin set <follow the wiki or brigadier suggestions>

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