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npc command

What does it do?

It helps you manage the NPCs.

Make sure you have selected the NPC before doing edits.


/npc create <name of the NPC> - Creates a Taterzen NPC and selects it.


/npc remove - Removes the selected Taterzen NPC.


/npc tp <destination> - Teleports the selected NPC to the desired location. * <destination> can be an entity or a set of relative / absolute coordinates


/npc list - Lists available (loaded) NPCs.


You can select NPCs by their ID, name, UUID or based on proximity and look direction.

Note: The ID means the list index number which is shown when you run the /npc list command. (The first number before the name.) Contrary, the UUID is the universally unique identifier as used internally by Minecraft to uniquely distinguish between entities. (See Minecraft Wiki: )


  1. Run /npc list to view the IDs of available NPCs.
  2. Run /npc select id <ID> to select it.


  1. Run /npc list to view the list of available NPCs.
  2. With the command prompt (the chat) being open, hover with the mouse over (UUID) after the name of the NPC you want to select.
  3. Click on the (UUID) text in the list.
  4. The UUID of your NPC will be displayed in the chat input. Select it and copy it to clipboard (usually CTRL and C on Windows.)
  5. Run /npc select uuid <UUID>, paste the <UUID> from clipboard (with CTRL and V on Windows). Alternatively use one of the tab-completion suggestions.
  6. The Npc is then selected.


  1. Run /npc list to view the list of available NPCs and their names.
  2. Run /npc select name <NAME> to select your desired NPC. Alternatively use one of the names from the tab-completion suggestions.

Note: In case the name of your NPC contains whitespaces (e.g. something like "Steve the Dragonslayer") make sure to enclose the name in quotation marks. In our example: /npc select name "Steve the Dragonslayer". Without the quotation marks the NPC won't be selected.

Note: If you have more than one NPC with the same name, no NPC will be selected and an error message will be displayed.


  1. Stand in front of the NPC you want to select.
  2. Run /npc select to select it.


You can change many aspects of the NPC, e.g. its entity type, skin, pose, name, messages, right-click actions etc.